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A couple of months ago, which partially focused on how to measure performance. One technique is via the High Resolution Time API, an API described in a . The API allows you to retrieve the current time in sub-millisecond resolution without being subject to system clock skew or adjustments, which in turn enables us to accurately measure the performance of our JavaScript code. While this API is useful, it leaves us with the pain of introducing a bunch of variables in our code. In addition, if you want to measure the performance of code that is split among several files or modules, you must introduce global variables. To solve these problems, we can employ the User Timing API.

几个月前, ,这些部分地侧重于如何衡量性能。 一种技术是通过高分辨率时间API,这的描述的API。 该API允许您以毫秒级的分辨率检索当前时间,而不受系统时钟偏差或调整的影响,这又使我们能够准确地测量JavaScript代码的性能。 尽管此API很有用,但使我们免于在代码中引入大量变量的痛苦。 另外,如果要测量在多个文件或模块中分割的代码的性能,则必须引入全局变量。 为了解决这些问题,我们可以使用用户计时API。

什么是用户计时API (What’s the User Timing API)

The User Timing API is defined as an interface to help web developers measure the performance of their applications by giving them access to high precision timestamps. Stated in other words, this API allows you to accurately measure and report the performance of JavaScript code, which is perfect when you need to benchmark your code. As of this API is a W3C Recommendation. Therefore, the specifications are stable and you can expect few changes.

User Timing API被定义为一个接口,可帮助Web开发人员通过访问高精度时间戳来评估其应用程序的性能。 换句话说,该API使您可以准确地测量和报告JavaScript代码的性能,这在需要对代码进行基准测试时非常理想。 作为 该API是W3C建议。 因此,规格是稳定的,几乎没有变化。

This API deals with two main concepts: Mark and Measure. The first implements the PerformanceMark interface, while the second implements the PerformanceMeasure interface. Both these interfaces, extend the . A Mark represents an instant (timestamp), while a Measure represents the time elapsed between two Marks. Because both of them extend the PerformanceEntry interface, they own the same four, read-only properties:

该API处理两个主要概念:标记和度量。 第一个实现PerformanceMark接口,第二个实现PerformanceMeasure接口。 这两个接口都扩展了 。 标记表示瞬间(时间戳),而小节表示两个标记之间经过的时间。 因为它们都扩展了PerformanceEntry接口,所以它们拥有相同的四个只读属性:

  • name: A mnemonic name associated with the Mark or the Measure that is used to retrieve it.

    name :与标记或小节相关的助记符名称,用于检索它。

  • entryType: Specifies the type of the object, that is if it’s a Mark or a Measure.

    entryType :指定对象的类型,即它是标记还是小节。

  • startTime: If the object is a Mark, this is a DOMHighResTimeStamp, a highly accurate timestamp retrieved using the performance.now() method of the High Resolution Time API. If the object is a Measure, it contains the DOMHighResTimeStamp of the start Mark of the Measure.

    startTime :如果对象是Mark,则这是DOMHighResTimeStamp ,这是使用高分辨率时间API的performance.now()方法检索的高精度时间戳。 如果对象是DOMHighResTimeStamp ,则它包含DOMHighResTimeStamp开始标记的DOMHighResTimeStamp

  • duration: If the object is a Mark, the value is always 0 (zero). If the object is a Measure, it contains the time elapsed between the two Marks.

    duration :如果对象是Mark,则该值始终为0(零)。 如果对象是小节,则它包含两个标记之间经过的时间。

This User Timing API exposes four methods that belong to the window.performance object. They are:

该用户计时API公开了四个属于window.performance对象的方法。 他们是:

  • mark(name): Stores a DOMHighResTimeStamp with the associated name.

    mark(name) :存储具有关联名称的DOMHighResTimeStamp

  • clearMarks([name]): Deletes one or all the stored Marks.

    clearMarks([name]) :删除一个或所有存储的标记。

  • measure(name[, mark1[, mark2]]): Stores the time elapsed between two Marks with the provided name.

    measure(name[, mark1[, mark2]]) :存储使用提供的名称的两个Mark之间经过的时间。

  • clearMeasures([name]): Deletes one or all of the stored Measures.

    clearMeasures([name]) :删除一个或所有已存储的度量。

Please note that the names passed to the mark() and the measure() functions are not unique IDs. You can use the same name as many times as you want. In this case, when you perform a name retrieval, an array sorted by the startTime property is returned.

请注意,传递给mark()measure()函数的名称不是唯一的ID。 您可以根据需要多次使用相同的名称。 在这种情况下,当您执行名称检索时,将返回按startTime属性排序的数组。

Before moving forward, let’s see a simple example that employs some of the methods described. Let’s say that we want to measure the execution time of a function and then delete the measurement without displaying the data. The code to perform this task is shown below:

在继续之前,让我们看一个简单的示例,该示例采用了所描述的一些方法。 假设我们要测量一个函数的执行时间,然后删除该测量而不显示数据。 执行此任务的代码如下所示:

performance.mark("startFoo");// A time consuming functionfoo();performance.mark("endFoo");performance.measure("durationFoo", "startFoo", "endFoo");// Delete all Marksperformance.clearMarks();// Delete the Measure "durationFoo"performance.clearMeasure("durationFoo");

This snippet shows how we can call all of the previously introduced methods. However, storing timestamps and then deleting them without using the measurements is completely useless. To retrieve the data of the Marks and the Measures, we need to employ other two methods that belong to the Performance interface: getEntriesByType(type) and getEntriesByName(name). The former returns a list of entities of the type specified by the type parameter (ie. “mark” for Marks). The latter returns a list of the entities with the name specified by the name parameter. Both of them return the list sorted based on the startTime property.

此代码段显示了如何调用前面介绍的所有方法。 但是,存储时间戳然后在不使用度量​​的情况下将其删除是完全没有用的。 要检索标记和度量的数据,我们需要使用属于Performance接口的其他两种方法: getEntriesByType(type)getEntriesByName(name) 。 前者返回由type参数指定的type的实体列表(即Marks的“ mark”)。 后者返回名称由name参数指定的实体的列表。 它们都返回基于startTime属性排序的列表。

浏览器支持 (Browser Support)

Support for this API is decent both on desktop and mobile browsers. In addition, those that do support this API don’t employ a vendor prefix. The desktop and mobile browsers that implemented the User Timing API are Internet Explorer 10+, Chrome 25+, and Opera 15+. However, we can expect Firefox to support it very soon because of its current stage in the W3C recommendation process.

在桌面和移动浏览器上,对该API的支持都不错。 此外,那些确实支持此API的应用程序不使用供应商前缀。 实现了用户计时API的台式机和移动浏览器是Internet Explorer 10 +,Chrome 25+和Opera 15+。 但是,由于W3C推荐流程的当前阶段,我们可以预期Firefox会很快支持它。

“OK, but what if I want to use this API in browsers that don’t support it?”


Glad you asked! Fortunately for us, there is a polyfill called that allows us to use the previously described methods. The bad news is that this polyfill only works in browsers that support the High Resolution Time API and its performance.now() method.

很高兴你问! 对我们来说幸运的是,有一个名为允许我们使用前面描述的方法。 坏消息是此polyfill仅在支持High Time Time API及其performance.now()方法的浏览器中起作用。

演示版 (Demo)

This section provides a simple demo that allows you to experiment with the concepts explained in this article. The demo defines a simple form with two input fields. Inside them, we have two numbers that we’ll use to simulate a time consuming function of a given duration. We also test for browser support and display an “API not supported” message if the user’s browser does not support the API. If the browser supports the User Timing API, we attach a listener to the click event of the button inside the form. Once clicked, we run the two simulated functions and store the timestamps. Then, we measure the elapsed time and display some of the stored information. A live demo of the code below is available .

本部分提供了一个简单的演示,使您可以尝试本文中介绍的概念。 该演示定义了一个具有两个输入字段的简单表格。 在它们内部,我们有两个数字将用于模拟给定持续时间的耗时函数。 如果用户的浏览器不支持API,我们还将测试其对浏览器的支持并显示“不支持API”消息。 如果浏览器支持User Timing API,我们会将侦听器附加到表单内按钮的click事件。 单击后,我们将运行两个模拟函数并存储时间戳。 然后,我们测量经过的时间并显示一些存储的信息。 提供以下代码的实时演示。

User Timing API Demo by Aurelio De Rosa

User Timing API

Demo created by Aurelio De Rosa (@AurelioDeRosa)

结论 (Conclusion)

This article has explored the User Timing API and showed how it can help you in testing the performance of your JavaScript code. Performance is really important and we should fight for even the slightest improvement.

本文探讨了User Timing API,并展示了它如何帮助您测试JavaScript代码的性能。 性能真的很重要,我们应该争取即使有一点点改进。

This API doesn’t not introduce too many concepts, so it should not be hard for you to digest its properties and methods. In addition, its support among browsers is pretty good, so you can use it reliably right now. However, for those that don’t support the User Timing API (most notably Firefox), a polyfill is available.

该API不会引入太多概念,因此您应该不难掌握其属性和方法。 此外,它在浏览器中的支持非常好,因此您可以立即可靠地使用它。 但是,对于不支持User Timing API的用户(最著名的是Firefox),可以使用polyfill。




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